Recently I passed Candired on Highscores.
It was something that was going to happen because of movie views, and the fame I was getting. No matter what she did she couldn't stop me. I enjoy making movies. I'm not going to tell people not the watch them to please one user am I?
When I passed her, I got alot of hate from a group on msp, to your surprise they are called 'ANGEL-lings' Or 'Angelings' This group is meant to be peaceful and calm but over the last week that has not been the case!
Almost all the haters I have had hate from are angelings, this group that was formed by non other than Candireds best friend Holly. I made an artbook to thank my friends and fans for helping me to 2nd Place. I never thought it would happen so I wanted to thank them as any normal nice human being would do.
This is just half of the comments I got on it (FROM THE ANGELINGS)
Then I got messages on my wall, not just bashing me but bashing my bff Alishak, just because she isn't an Angeling.

Want to no what both these wall and artbook comments have in common?
There all angelings.
According to Hollyreene all the non-angelings must be 'evilings' abit harsh don't you think? ALSO She is meant to be an angel? Peaceful right?.. well why is she declaring war in her blog post there?
Also not anyone can be an angeling. You have to not like me. You can ask my boyfriend who not knowing how mean Holly was sent her a friend request and this is what she came back with..
So note yourself: If you'e a fan of me and my friends, you're an "EVILING" and you can't be involved with Holly and the "Angelings"... Lovely.
Below is a recent Artbook Made by Candired directed towards me because I made negative comments about her movies, therefore I must be a Bully right Candired?:
What happened was, I had a private conversation on Msp with someone who asked me about what I thought of Candi's movies and I gave an honest opinion. Ever, since Candired has been spreading this on friends blog saying this is the reason why I got to 2nd place on highscores. Really Candired? I do not need to put your movies down to make fame. Don't you ever see my movie views? Are you also trying to say you've never watched a movie on Msp or in real even and have a negative thing to say about that movie? I have, cos I'm human and I'm honest. Saying something negative about a movie is NOT the definition of a bully-.- There have been many times when you and your friends have been witnessed in chatrooms putting my name and my friends like ishacool, Fran Is Epic, Alishak's name down in a negative light but no one went after you calling you a bully!! Personally attacking someone in my opinion IS a Bully and that is what ishacool was trying to explain in her artbook, Hollyreene so please don't get it twisted.