Wednesday 16 April 2014

Nice to see Candi has posted about me and Alisha again. Saying I lied. Well obviously not, you can clearly see its an edit. She thinks her fans and my fans are stupid but we all no thats not the case. She is just manipulating everyone to make me and Alisha looks like bad people. Shes just a compulsive liar who needs to stop posting, and worrying about mine and Alishas lives, and maybe get one of her own?

Candi says shes not backing down? Well neither am I, this will go on forever unless she stops posting. Bet she wishes she never brought this whole thing up again saying Karma, pathetic.

She claims about bullying, she has no idea what bullying is! I have felt nothing but bullied and victimised by her for years, but she gets the sympathy and all your 'love' how is this fair. Shes the bully WHY CAN YOU GUYS SEE THAT!?
Its stupid. Im sick of it, you have no idea what I'd give to just not have her on my back STALKING me constantly!!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Lately, I have a load of hate from Candired and her blog. I want to put a few things straight. I will go through each blog post shes done and tell you the real 'Truth'...

So candi goes on about me copying her all the time, ifs it not her fun day, its her looks. I only made that look copied from candi because she kept saying 'Karma Roxy' and sticking her nose in about a situation that had NOTHING TO DO with her, She was annoying me and I wanted to see how she'd like being copied!
Anyway, copying. When me, Alishak and Adept decided to do a Easter egg hunt using our movies. We made these artbooks and movies way before Candi made her artbook, and if u look back at the comments u will see the proof from that!

So who's the hypocrite now, hmm?

Secondly Candi constantly bashes my bff Alisha. However what she says about her is LIES!
Alisha DID NOT CURSE on msp! Its lies using paint, Want proof?

See the lines around the bubbles them self's? Its quite obvious Alisha wouldn't swear on msp anyway so if that and them pictures aren't proof enough, I don't no what is.

I won't let candired hurt me anymore, I won't let her bring me down. She is a hypocrite, a bully and a LIAR!
And people who believe her lies are just as bad!

If its not bad enough she calls me and Alisha in her blog, shes now making movies named after us!

Msp, being the kiss ups to candi that they are, have deleted my artbook, which is kind and doesn't call her but they can't get her to take her blog down. Fair? Anyway read this, because I stand by it!